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Royal Rumble Match with 40 Wrestlers – Want or No Want?

The 2011 Royal Rumble Match

Now with 40 Superstars!

Want or No Want?

It was announced on Monday that the 2011 Royal Rumble match would be expanding to include forty superstars.  It’s being called “The Biggest Royal Rumble Match In History”.  Is it just a marketing tactic or is WWE making a change for the better to one of it’s most historic franchises?  The first list of entrants can be seen here.  With more names to be announced, one can wonder if the rest of the field will come from the main roster, outside sources, or be left as a surprise.

The Royal Rumble match is my favorite match of the year.  With two men starting and a new man entering every 90 seconds to two minutes, it allows for a unique and unpredictable match.  I don’t think I’m alone in my love for this match.  People have pools where their own numbers and hope that the superstar associated with that number wins for them.  It’s a lot of fun and really a constant on the WWE schedule.  But is the expansion to forty something you want?

Before answering, look at this great video package that WWE aired on Monday during RAW to showcase how truly unique this event is.

With talk of numbers, is the expansion of of the Royal Rumble field from 30 to 40 something you want? Vote below and let your voice be heard if this expansion of the roster is something you want, don’t want, or it doesn’t matter.



You can share further feedback with comments below, on our Facebook page, or on Twitter.  Remember whenever you’re attending wrestling live or watching it – tweet your thoughts with #IWantWrestling.

David Lagana / IWantWrestling.com

  1. January 19, 2011 at 6:40 am

    Yeah, why not?

    Sure we’ll get more lower card talent, but what’s so bad about somebody higher up on the roster dominating more people? I’m thinking this should be a perfect role for Sheamus. 2010 King of the Ring and 2011 Royal Rumble winner…that would build incredible momentum for him heading into WrestleMania if they go that route.

  2. Terri
    January 19, 2011 at 6:43 am

    I think it dilutes the concept.

  3. Jordan
    January 19, 2011 at 8:41 am

    Besides the fact that I believe it dilutes the concept(which WWE seems to be doing with many concepts), is just to market it as “the biggest ever,” and that creative is being lazy….I’ll buy the ppv regardless of the number of participants. The Rumble is just a fun ppv, that keeps you on the edge of your seat(usually).

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