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New Podcast – Mick Foley (Audio)

Mick Foley (@realmickfoley) is on a mission in April to help raise money and awareness for RAINN (The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network – the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization).  Mick has launched the #10forRAINN campaign to get to his goal of $30,000 for the month.   Donations can be as small as $10 and Mick is willing to do a something special for higher donations.

Alex Greenfield and I spoke with Mick to talk with us about his #10forRAINN campaign on the upcoming I Want Wrestling podcast debuting on Monday.  We cover a variety of subjects including why he decided to donate his time to this cause, the retirement of Edge, the return of the Rock, and what stars he sees making an impact in the future.

Listen to the entire podcast (audio only) here.


Promote This – Ep 5 – Mick Foley#10forRainn

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See Mick Foley vs. Edge from Wrestlemania 22

David Lagana (@Lagana)

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