Home > Columns > Shane Helms on Edge’s Retirement (VIDEO)

Shane Helms on Edge’s Retirement (VIDEO)

Shane Helms (@shanehelmscom) has posted a very emotional video about the retirement of Edge.  They’re freinds but they are linked by a very common bond.  Shane had the same neck surgery (in 2007) that Edge had in 2002.  In this video, Shane talks about his “Bump Card” and what the term “working on borrowed time” means to him.  Check it out.

Shane hosts a weekly show called Highway 2 Helms.  You can subscribe to get it on iTunes here.  Or watch it live every Wednesday at 7pm eastern / 4pm Pacific here.

Follow Shane on Twitter – @shanehelmscom

David Lagana (@Lagana)

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  1. April 20, 2011 at 10:21 am

    It’s sad what an injury can do to your career. How it can change your life. I think Edge still had a couple more years in him but his injury stopped him. But it’s good that the doctor’s found out about it before he went to that ladder match and also that he’s taking care of himself and his health by retiring.

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