Home > Columns > Chikara #KingofTrios – Night Three – Pictures

Chikara #KingofTrios – Night Three – Pictures

Thanks to John Hyperion (@johnhyperion) and his website for this image from Chikara King of Trios – Night Three

See all the picture from Night Three here,  Night Two here, and  Night One here.

Also follow Chikara on Twitter here for more updates about everything Chikara.

Here is my podcast with Chikara Founder Mike Quackenbush


David Lagana (@Lagana)

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  1. iamspawn
    April 18, 2011 at 6:43 pm

    Sorry that the following has absolutely nothing to do with CHIKARA, but I’m streaming RAW right now and just saw the following tweet:

    @RKOsLittleViper keep an eye out on raw for the @ZackRyder = ratings sign before security took it off me because backstage told um too 😦

    I’ve also treated myself to a day-long catch-up session (at work) of all your posts and podcasts since mid-week, and specifically remember you mentioning how Armando Estrada was forbidden from using his introduction once it started getting over.

    So my question is, why does WWE squash fans’ voices in determining the next breakout star? It seems more than a little counter-productive.

  2. Cabrão
    April 19, 2011 at 7:27 am

    WWE does not care about their fans, the WWE Universe. And when the fans, the WWE Universe, start to “make an opinion” or have a different feeling and perspective about something, they do what they normally do. That’s why.


    Talking about wrestling: I’m so looking forward to the DVD’! I cannot wait!

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