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#ThankYouEdge – Career Retrospective Video!

Courtesy of WWE.com

The news of Edge having to retire from WWE caught us all off guard.  I think we all took for granted how great and consistent that he was over the length of his career.  I looked back at his career from the last neck surgery to this past week in this article.  Read it here.

It’s hard to sum up one person’s career in one article or in one video really but then I saw this on Smackdown last night.

Found that this video was cut by my friend Jessica who works at WWE.  She’s one of the amazing talents employed by Kevin Dunn and create these masterpieces.  I hear all the time how much the video work done by WWE reaffirms why we are fans of wrestling.  Like Adam Pennucci, David Sahadi, and all the amazing producers who have worked at that the WWE TV Studio, my friend Jessica started as a fan, remains a fan and continues to make fans with her work.  Like the creative team, so many people in that company are “faceless” to the outside world and we wouldn’t have had it any other way when we work there.  The focus is on the talents in the ring and the breathtaking things they do inside a wrestling ring to entertain us.  This video just celebrates another great talent that made us all fans.


Tweet by Christian re:Edge

You all shared your support of Edge with that hashtag above.  Also you shared your voices with me on this special podcast.  Check it out now if you haven’t.

David Lagana (@Lagana)

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  1. Mel
    April 16, 2011 at 2:06 pm

    Awesome ! What a great career and what an amazing man !!! Adam aka Edge is going to be missed more than words can say.
    Do you know the name of the song and the group singing it? I KNOW I recognize that group, but can’t place them for the life of me right now. LOL

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