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Want to make an IMPACT? Meet Taz!

My favorite college professor at Emerson College was a man by the name of Pete Chvany.  While only taking one of his classes, he became a mentor to me in my four years in Boston.  He dared me to work harder, think differently; he built confidence while inspiring creativity.   As a writer, producer, director and a motivator the lessons he taught me catapulted me into the exact career I wanted.  Without him, I don’t know where I would have ended up.  But in wrestling, where do you go to get such an education?

If you’re just starting out in wrestling, you need to learn how to crawl before you can walk.  The schools that I recommend are the ROH Training Academy in Philadelphia, the OVW Wrestling School in Louisville, KY and Lance Storm’s Academy in Calgary.  These schools will teach you that hard work and dedication are needed to excel at your craft.  But once you’re out having matches, where do you go then to get more instruction?  Three letters… One Man.. and a dangerous new attitude… TAZ!  C’mon, I had to go old school for his introduction.

Taz is a twenty year plus veteran who got his start under the guidance of WWE Hall of Famer Johnny Rodz.  Currently, Taz is a color-commentator on Spike TV’s TNA IMPACT but before he entertained the world with his words, he was bruising bodies as the Human Suplex Machine.  Taz blazed a trail in the original ECW as the anti-hero and one of the promotions biggest attractions.  What he might have lacked in height, he more then made up in intensity and believability.  I still get intimated by Taz today in his text messages.

On Thursday, January 20th, 2011, Taz opens up the Team Taz Finishing camp.  As his website states, this is not for beginners in the wrestling industry.  Having the right guidance at various stages in your career is crucial for continued success.  Taz is not only the right teacher but the right human being to help elevate your game.  Before sharing why I feel this way, hear what exactly you’ll get from Taz.

My own personal experience with Taz started back in 1994 simply as a fan.  Sitting in the bleachers of the ECW Arena in the summers of 1994-1997, he used to have that audience eating of the palm of his hand.  Working with Paul Heyman, Taz created the “big fight feel” for his matches and carved out a unique brand for himself.  You think Taz, what color and number do you think of?   Orange and 13 – great branding that hasn’t changed is over a decade.

Team Taz Dojo

Fast forward to 2002, I entered WWE as writer and a fan living his dream.  I got to work with every hero I ever had in the business; learning the business inside and out.  As you read in my previous article about Vince McMahon, you can never stop learning in this business because it keeps evolving.  My education was enhanced by the time I spent working with Taz.

During my Smackdown run, I would sit in on the voice over session on Wednesday nights with Taz and Michael Cole.  Working with the two of them, I grew as producer learning how commentary complimented a broadcast.  As we’d wait to do the next segment, we’d kick around ideas, talk about the business, the show and how it all could be improved.  These “outside the box” brainstorming sessions lead to what I felt was an improved product.  This is when I really realized that Taz, having done so much marketing for ECW with the merchandise, had a great mind for all aspects of the wrestling business including branding.

Taz has been in the trenches, he’s sat in on the agent/production meetings with billionaires and influential decision makers in the pro wrestling business.  He’s unapologetic, he’s tough but he can help you.  Since retiring from the ring, Taz always quietly prided himself on the guys who he helped.  The idea of “Team Taz” isn’t a catch phrase.  If you’re one of Taz’s guys, you’re one of his guys.  Even to this day, if I were to ask Taz his opinion on something he’d cut it to me straight.   While not telling me this, I believe Taz’s Finishing School is his attempt at giving something back.  But don’t think for one second he’s gone soft, cause he just might still choke you out.  If you’re an aspiring wrestler wondering where to turn next, stepping through Team Taz’s Dojo might not be a bad next step.

Learn more about the Team Taz Dojo here.

Follow Taz on Twitter for more wrestling talk, his love of the Jets and more.

If you liked this article and would like to give feedback, please comment below or via Twitter or Facebook.  And remember to always share what you want from wrestling on twitter with #IWantWrestling

David Lagana / IWantWrestling.com

  1. Chuck Fiello Jr
    January 19, 2011 at 7:21 pm

    Many people look at ECW as the era of hardcore but to me, ECW was not just about the matches. It was the intensity that guys like Taz brought to EVERY detail in and out of the ring. It was unpredictability and the fear that they brought knowing if you passed Taz in the street, he would legitimately whoop your ass. Taz delivered every time in his promos, his announcing and of course his matches. You don’t need to be 6’8 350 with pure muscle if you can walk like Taz and back it up in the ring.

  2. January 27, 2011 at 11:19 am

    There’s a lot of insightful stuff about how to break into the business when it comes to being a wrestler, but I’d like to see something about breaking into other side of the business, like writing, film/ show crews etc. I do have an acquaintance who books for a local organization, but I’m always hesitant to ask for favors. I suppose I should just ask him if I could help out to get inside.

  3. January 27, 2011 at 1:26 pm

    I’m personally about to start the art form of wrestling and while I don’t have the luxuries of any of those schools in Australia, I think Taz would be a fantastic teacher. Everything you’ve said about him rings true…

  1. January 20, 2011 at 8:46 pm
  2. March 21, 2011 at 1:06 pm

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