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Steve Austin asks #MyFavoriteMatch – Tough Enough Video

April 7, 2011 6 comments

Steve Austin (@steveaustinbsr) was the lightning rod that helped launch WWE into a new stratosphere back in the attitude era. USA Network has struck again with Steve Austin as the host of Tough Enough.

Vince McMahon, when inducting him into the Hall of Fame, called Steve Austin the greatest superstar of all time.  I can’t think of anyone better then Stone Cold to be the judge of fourteen newcomers trying to make it in WWE.  Austin is everything that is right about the pro wrestling business.  He’s got passion for it and isn’t afraid to speak his mind.  Don’t believe me?  Watch this now infamous clip.

If Steve Austin asked you your favorite match (#MyFavoriteMatch), I’m willing to be 99.9% of fans and people inside the business would have NEVER answered with that match and done so far more convincingly.

Going nose to nose with Steve Austin is an intimidating experience.  But if you want to succeed, you have to show the same passion and commitment that he shows.   When put on the spot and asked what drew you to this business – you answer that?  I don’t even remember her name, nor am I going to learn it.  She did nothing to make me invest in her.  She couldn’t name a place or why the match stood out to her.  She picked two divas who had a match that she might have seen.  Steve Austin’s reaction matches that of everyone who has ever been passionate about this business.  She got eliminated and then went on her twitter (and then immediatly pulled it down) and announced after this that she was signed to a WWE developmental contract!

What is wrong with the business?  This person was rewarded!  I’m not a woman and I’m not a wrestler.  But I have passion for this sport.  I love it.  I wouldn’t take the time to follow in it, write about it, or work in it if I didn’t.  The business allows anyone to have a shot to get in.  But if you want to succeed and leave a mark like Steve Austin, then you have to have a life long passion for it.  I’m willing to bet it will be a long and hard journey for this young lady to “make it” and I don’t think I’m alone thinking she’s not Tough Enough.

Share your favorite match (#MyFavoriteMatch) on twitter by using that hashtag.

David Lagana (@Lagana)

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