
Posts Tagged ‘DVD’

My Wrestlemania Journey – Part 1 – #IWantWrestlemania

March 25, 2011 5 comments

The great Wrestlemania documentary out now WWE: The True Story of WrestleMania – DVD is a time warp back for me.  My favorite early wrestling memories go back to when I was 10 and 11 years old –  Wrestlemania 2 and 3.

The Lagana household didn’t get PPV until late in 1987; first event we had access to was Survivor Series 1987.  I became a huge fan of the British Bulldogs in 1985.  After seeing them come up short in winning the WWF Tag Team Titles on numerous occasions, I “knew” they had to win them at Wrestlemania 2.  Sadly I couldn’t talk my dad into taking me to watch the show on close circuit since it was on a Monday night.  It was a “school” night.

So when I heard the news from a friend the next day at school, I was so excited they won and couldn’t wait to see the video when it came out.  I remember waiting what felt like six months for that video to come in.  The first match I ever saw was Valentine and Beefcake winning the tag titles and knowing they were facing my favorite team at Wrestlemania for the belts was a must see for me.

The match is not the classic tag team battle of the age, but it was satisfying to see my heroes win.  Sadly Dynamite Kid was injured at this point in his career and it wasn’t til much later that I saw the amazing wrestling he did earlier in his career.  Getting to witness Wrestlemania 2 on tape made me want to see it live so bad.  I’d get that chance at Wrestlemania 3.

The Wrestlemania 3 clip from the WWE: The True Story of WrestleMania – DVD is some of  my favorite stuff in the DVD.  The people lined up at the Pontiac Silverdome before the show to the interview with Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes before the show are the types of gems you get on the DVD.  I didn’t see any of that live that day because my journey to see my first Wrestlemania live was via closed circuit at the Philadelphia Spectrum.

In that clip above, Vince McMahon tearfully talks about his dad and feeling his presences as he stood in the ring at Wrestlemania 3; “it was a good thing”.   And for me, it was a good thing my dad always supported my love of wrestling.  If he didn’t support my hobby, it would have never turned into a career.  After missing Wrestlemania 2 live, he promised to take me to see Wrestlemania 3 via closed circuit.  I had been to the Spectrum to see wrestling but what we saw that day was unlike anything I could have imagined.

The opening shot of Wresltemania 3 featured that high wide shot of the huge audience in Pontiac, Michigan.  Up to that point, wrestling on TV featured small crowds. Live show I attended at the Spectrum would have anywhere from 8,000 to 15,000.  But that crowd in Pontiac was unlike anything I’ve ever seen.  The number of fans has always been a point of contention – was it 72,000, 78,000 or 93,000.  It didn’t matter to me.  That one shot let me know the potential of pro wrestling.

I learned from my first experience with Wrestlemania 2 and 3 – wrestling is amazing experience live.  It was a happening and you wanted to be a part of it live; however you could Live in the arena, pay per view or closed circuit.  I will be watching Wrestlemania live this year on PPV at a friends house.  The WWE production team makes it such a great show no matter where you watch it.  And what is exciting to me, there will be someone watching their very first Wrestlemania this year.

David Lagana /

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New I Want Wrestling Podcast – Interview with Colt Cabana / Promote This!

March 14, 2011 1 comment

Colt Cabana’s Art of Wrestling podcast is the reason I felt comfortable jumping into the podcast genre. It’s not full of “scoopz”, instead it’s his life and the lives of the wrestlers he talks with. There would not be a Formerly Creative, without the Art of Wrestling. I’ve avoided doing podcasts with wrestlers because of how great Cabana is at his.

Instead, we’re launching this podcast “Promote This!”. We’re not going to be talking his time in the business, instead talking about the making of his latest DVD – Wrestling Road Diaries. Want to know more? Check out this podcast and buy the DVD at

Previews of Podcast – #1 / #2 / #3


Promote This – Ep 1 – Colt Cabana

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David Lagana /

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