
Posts Tagged ‘ECW’

Shane Helms on Edge’s Retirement (VIDEO)

April 20, 2011 1 comment

Shane Helms (@shanehelmscom) has posted a very emotional video about the retirement of Edge.  They’re freinds but they are linked by a very common bond.  Shane had the same neck surgery (in 2007) that Edge had in 2002.  In this video, Shane talks about his “Bump Card” and what the term “working on borrowed time” means to him.  Check it out.

Shane hosts a weekly show called Highway 2 Helms.  You can subscribe to get it on iTunes here.  Or watch it live every Wednesday at 7pm eastern / 4pm Pacific here.

Follow Shane on Twitter – @shanehelmscom

David Lagana (@Lagana)

Hear the latest Podcast with Mick Foley here.

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New Formerly Creative – Sean Conaway “Raising Hope”

April 20, 2011 3 comments

The knock on members of the creative team is that they are all “Hollywood writers who don’t know wrestling.  Sean Conaway did it the reverse way.  A huge wrestling fan in college, Sean interned at the WWE Studios in the hopes that he could be on the WWE Creative team.  At age 21, he did.  But instead of becoming a “lifer”, Sean decided to move to Los Angeles and chase his Hollywood writing dream.  After six years, Sean has gotten his first script on the Fox TV Show – “Raising Hope” and that episode airs on 4/26 at 9:30pm on FOX.

This podcast is a discussion between Lagana and Conaway about Sean’s time in WWE and how it prepared him for Hollywood.  Hear the entire podcast here.

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Episode #10 – Sean Conaway (WWE – 2004 – 2005)

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David Lagana (@Lagana)

Hear the latest Podcast with Mick Foley here.

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ECW’s 1st PPV “Barely Legal” – 14 Years Ago Today!

April 13, 2011 3 comments

In the latest Formerly Creative podcast with Alex Greenfield, I discussed a meeting where Vince McMahon tried to tell Paul Heyman that there were ever only 2500 ECW fans.  Having been there from 1994-1997, I saw more then that.  Vince McMahon never attended one ECW event before the 2005 One Night Stand.  The years that followed were NOT ECW. It’s why we always included the language, “Back in the original ECW” during the ECWWE period.

I didn’t attend the Barely Legal PPV live in Philadelphia because I was up finishing my senior year at Emerson College but made sure I ordered it.  This event was important because it was the first PPV for the company that worked so hard to get to a wider audience.  It was important because it was alternative. It was important to Paul Heyman and everyone to simply be seen and heard.

Check out this famous clip from Beyond the Mat below.

A lot has been said about Paul Heyman’s speech before the Barely Legal show to the locker room.  He became famous for these speeches not only to the locker room but to the fans.  I remember being in the ECW Arena in August of 2005 when Malenko, Gurreroro, and Benoit were leaving for WCW and Heyman galvanized the audience see themselves as part of the revolution against “the big two”.

No greater push was done then to get ECW to PPV in 1996/1997 and this announcement below was an example of not only the passion of the ECW talent and Heyman but the fans.

Thanks to Eddie Kingston for sending me this video of Taz’s final promo on Sabu.

What should be celebrated today is that this group of “misfits” who were told they never would did.  They got their chance in the spotlight and helped changed a business that badly needed to change.

Sound familiar?  Sound like today?

David Lagana (@Lagana)

You can find every episode of our podcasts here.

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Paul Heyman (@heymanhustle) shares his #ManiaRushmore

March 28, 2011 4 comments

I asked the question on who you would put up on your Mount Rushmore of Wrestlemania in this article.  You’ve all responded great by tagging your tweets with #ManiaRushmore.  Here is a gallery of some of the early tweets.

I spoke with Paul Heyman earlier and asked his thoughts.  He tweeted the following.

David Lagana /

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Team Taz Dojo (@OfficialTaz) – VIDEO

March 21, 2011 1 comment

If you’re new to the site, you might have missed an early article where I talked about Taz and the opening of his dojo.  Now a few months later, two of his talents have already gotten looked at by TNA.  Taz is an animal when it comes to the projects he’s involved with.  I know this Dojo will become a success.  This is not for newcomers. It’s for those who have been working and are looking to take it to the next level.

Read the previous article here.

Check out the video below and make sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel. More info available at

Get the DVD – WWE: The True Story of WrestleMania

David Lagana /

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