
Posts Tagged ‘Expendables’

What’s The Story?

January 14, 2011 8 comments

In a recent appearance with Bryan Alvarez, Lance Storm talked about having recently seen the movie The Expendables.  You can hear Lance’s thoughts here.  Lance, in discussing the writing of the movie, questioned why we liked the good guys, how the bad guys lacked credibility and the plot holes in the story.   Lance mentioned that people said to him, “It’s just an action movie” and to not take it so seriously; some even equating that same theory to wrestling.   Lance proudly has boycotted TNA Wrestling for this same “lack of logic” storytelling.

Quality writing is quality storytelling; and that does translate to professional wrestling.  This won’t be a entry about what is wrong and why with wrestling.  Instead, with the Hollywood Award Season kicking off on Sunday with the Golden Globes, I wanted to offer a weekend read if you’ve ever wanted to write.  I’m a big believer that we are all storytellers.  Some of us are the heroes, some of us are the villains; but every character believes he’s justified in his actions.  If this peaks your interest, I recommend the following book.  SAVE THE CAT!

I know there are a ton of screenwriting books on the market but this is the easiest to pick up and read.  You’ll appreciate movies on a higher level after reading this book and maybe even wrestling.   And if you’re wondering about the title,  in every movie the hero must do something early to show the audience he’s a good guy; saving a cat from a burning building.   When you watch a wrestling match, think about what the good guy does to make you root for him.  I gave this book as a Christmas Gift to a talent  so he could see the correlation between movie and wrestling storytelling .    Though, I don’t expect to see him utilizing a cat in his matches, I do expect to see him main event Wrestlemania one day.

Demand good storytelling from all forms of entertainment you consume. Movies, TV, Wrestling, and even all things internet based.  If it’s good, it will move you.  And that’s why I started this site.  Because I want us all demand better and say #IWantWrestling