
Posts Tagged ‘Lost’

Formerly Creative – Episode #3 – Jensen Karp

February 16, 2011 2 comments - Jensen Karp's Art Gallery


Jensen Karp was one of the more interesting people I got to work with at WWE.  He was only on the WWE Creative team for a short time but his level of creativity always stuck with me.  After I left WWE, I caught up with Jensen again and was very happy to see the success he found after WWE.  He went on to work on the last few seasons of LOST, maintains an really cool art gallery, and writing for Funny or

Listen to his take on his time on WWE, it’s different then most guys; a refreshing look at the “bubble” that is the creative process at WWE.  Jensen wasn’t a “lifelong” fan but did have something to contribute to the team.  Before you check out the Podcast – check out his Funny or Die sketch he wrote.  “Bromance”

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So, with no further hype or build up, please check out Episode #3 of Formerly Creative with my good friend Jensen Karp.


Jensen Karp - Formerly Creative - Click to Play!!!

Episode #3 – Jensen Karp (WWE 2006)

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David Lagana /

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