
Posts Tagged ‘Ricky Steamboat’

The SuperBowl of Wrestlemania

February 6, 2011 15 comments

Every year, the number one most watched event on television is the NFL Superbowl.  The entire NFL season builds to one game.  This year, the Pittsburgh Steelers face the Green Bay Packers to decide who is the best team in football. Simple, easy to understand concept where everyone will gather, have a party, and witness a spectacle everyone will be talking about tomorrow. In two months, it’ll happen for the world of wrestling…. Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania has many taglines but the most fitting for today is the Superbowl of Wrestling. Of all the pay-per-view events held every year, it’s the biggest.  The biggest matches, the biggest attractions and hopefully the biggest audience of the year.  Like the SuperBowl, fans travel from all over the world to see this event.  It’s kinda a big deal.  I had one goal when I went to work for WWE – to work ONE Wrestlemania.  I ended up working six and the memories created there will live with me forever.

What if there was a “SuperBowl of Wrestlemania”.  Imagine one show that featured all of the best of every Wrestlemania in one event!   All the top stars in the matches that made them famous.  I sat down and looked through all the Wrestlemania shows to try and put together one nine match card.  Your list might vary and I am hoping it does.  Please comment below with your card.


Edge & Christan vs. Matt and Jeff Hardy vs. The Dudley Boyz – Wrestlemania X7

The forerunner for the “Money In the Bank” match and upped the ante from the ladder match at Wrestlemania 2000.  This was a “star making” moment for Edge who went on to be the break out star of this group including  wrestling in the main event of Wrestlemania 24 vs. Undertaker.

Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle – WWE Championship – Wrestlemania XX

A year earlier, no one would have guessed the late, great Eddie Guerrero would have been WWE Champion let alone main eventing Wrestlemania.  Eddie and Kurt created magic that night in Madison Square Garden.

Chris Jericho vs. “The Wrestler” Mickey Rouke – Wrestlemania 25

Jericho had headlined Wrestlemania 18 with Triple H, wrestled HBK and competed in Money in the Bank.  After his confrontation with Mickey Rouke on Larry King Live everyone wanted to see them go at it as a “special attraction” at Wrestlemania 25.    While it wasn’t the “promoted” match, it did happen.

The Battle of the Billionaires – Hair vs. Hair – Wrestlemania 23

Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga with Donald Trump & Vince McMahon’s  hair on the line.  While not a “five-star” classic, this match propelled that Wrestlemania to the biggest buyrate in WWE history.   It had all the combustible elements that create buzz.

Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage – Wrestlemania 3

On a card headlined by Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant, this match captured the imagination of every wrestling fan with the drama and excitement it created.   I watched it on closed-circuit at the Philadelphia Spectrum and everyone there reacted as if they were there live.

John Cena vs. Triple H – Wrestlemania 22

Big production entrances.  An electric Chicago crowd that was pro-Triple H.  Cena having to prove himself in his first real Wrestlemania Main Event.  Even the hype videos added to the big fight feel.

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels – Wrestlemania 25 & 26

It was the match of the year in back to back years.  Last year, the match signaled the end of the great career of Shawn Michaels.  As far as impact on the legacy of Wrestlemania, these two matches will stand the test of time.

Hogan vs. The Rock – Wrestlemania 18

Two of the biggest stars in the history of the business going face to face for the first time.  Yep that is a match that feels like Wrestlemania.  The fans in Toronto added another level to the match and it still a moment I’ll never forget being there live.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart – Wrestlemania 13

This might be the most important match in the history of Wrestlemania. Austin and Bret Hart swapped places as who the fans loved and hated.  The match cemented Austin as the anti-hero of the WWE Attitude era.

Disagree with my list?  Feel like there is a better combination for your own Superbowl of Wrestlemania card?  Post your card in the comments below.

David Lagana /

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