
Posts Tagged ‘Sting’

World Is Getting Around #IWantWrestling

February 21, 2011 3 comments

Hope everyone had a great weekend.   This big wrestling week kicked off with Elimination Chamber last night; thought the show was excellent.  The talents all worked amazingly hard and it built nicely to the Wrestlemania card they have in place.  Tonight is the 2/21/11 reveal and another big RAW and still have the TNA road tapings and ROH iPPV.  Wrote about this big week here.

New Podcast is up.  Click here to hear it.  Video preview right below.

I’ll have live tweeting of tonight’s RAW at 9pm Eastern tonight.  Check in here.  And for those who have supported and visited the site in the first month…thank you.  Word seems to be getting around.

#IWantWrestling sign

CM Punk - Post Elimination Chamber

David Lagana /

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The Rock says….

February 14, 2011 4 comments

ONE WORD!!!!  Okay, The Rock really said three words but one word got everyone jazzed today. FINALLY!!!

The Rock Says "FINALLY" on Facebook

See, rumors are abound on two choices now for the RAW guest host.  It’s just over two hours from show time.  I detailed the “three” possible choices yesterday here.  Seems two front runners.  PWInsider today reported that the impression of the Wrestlemania Guest Host was going to be Bob Barker.

Then the message above was sent out to Rock’s facebook page to his nearly 1.5 million fans there.  Then this popped up.

@TheRock opens on Twitter

No tweets yet.  Maybe we’ll get a tweet tonight between the 9pm-11:05pm time!

If Rock does appear on Raw, then it’s sure a good time for his Twitter page to start making the rounds.  While you’re tweeting RAW tonight with your #IWantWrestling tags… my gut tells me… #TheRock will be trending!

I’ll be #LiveTweeting tonight NOT from my @Lagana account.  Please follow my @IWantWrestling to see my live commentary on RAW tonight!

David Lagana /

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The Wrestlemania 27 Guest Star could be…

February 13, 2011 6 comments

After a long absence due to a television injury, Vince McMahon returned to WWE TV this past Monday night.  It’s Wrestlemania season and the buzz around this year’s event has left people wondering what will make this year special.  Without anyone really knowing what he was going to say, Vince walked out on Raw at 9:01pm last Monday.

With declines in WWE business in the last year, many are concerned that Wrestlemania is going to suffer.  If there is one thing I’ve learned, when backed into a corner Vince McMahon will come out swinging.  He hyped this announcement as a game-changer for this year’s Wrestlemania. Who would be the one man big enough a star to host an event of this magnitude?  Wrestlemania has seen many different types of celebrities involved over the years.  The first Wrestlemania had Mr T. wrestling in the main event, Muhammad Ali as a ref, Liberace, and Billy Martin involved to draw mainstream attention. There are three names I’ve heard fans clamoring and guessing and they’re each interesting choices.  Now, again, I have ZERO idea who it will be.

Monday Night Raw takes place in Anaheim, CA in 24 hours.  Justin Bieber is the hot outside choice.  His first movie hit theaters this weekend and will end up collecting over 30 Million dollars.  He’s everywhere between the movie, the Grammys, Saturday Night Live, The Daily show.  His people have been very smart in trying to expand his fan base and could an appearance at Wrestlemania in front of 70,0000 people live and on Pay-Per-View do just that?

Bob Barker.  I love Bob Barker.  If you grew up in the 70s, 80s, 90s and ever were home sick from school what did you watch?  The Price is Right.  He’s hands down the best guest host WWE had.  But a 4 hours live show?? Eh?  Now you get a tag team of Bob Barker and Betty White….

The Rock!!!  Yep.  Everyone seems to have their heavy money on Dwayne Johnson.  As far as positioning, he has Fast Five coming out April 29th called Fast Five (trailer below)

The Rock recently said on his Facebook page that he would not ever return for a wrestling match but is open to doing something special in the future with WWE.  Rock is a dynamic performer who has proved over the last 7 years in Hollywood that he is not a flash in the pan.  Some predicted that his acting career would be like others who made the leap from the ring to the screen.  If you’ve ever met Dwayne, you’ll find he has a personal one-on-one charisma that makes you love him.  That carries over to audiences and why he’s so beloved.  With Wrestlemania in Miami next year, hosting this event seems like a great start to the year to the road to the Hall of Fame in 2012.

We’ll all know for sure who will be hosting tomorrow when RAW is live on the USA Network.  It’s Wrestlemania season and this is what we want out of wrestling!  Excitement, anticipation, and surprises.

Top 3 Wrestlemania Celebrities

1. Mike Tyson

This was the moment that everyone knew the Monday Night War changed.  It was the right time, the right place and the right characters.  This kicked off Stone Cold Steve Austin as the hero that Vince McMahon needed to build his “Attitude Era”.

2. Donald Trump

Like Tyson, this attraction was right time, right place.  Trump has making headlines with his TV show, his public feud with Rosie O’Donnell and the stipulation played upon the audience desire to see one of these men bald.

3. Floyd Mayweather

Floyd was red-hot having drawn some of the biggest buy rates in Boxing.  The idea of him competing at Wrestlemania drew a ton of attention including the claimed inflated paycheck Mayweather was going to draw.  All done to get as many eyeballs on the biggest attraction of the year for WWE!

David Lagana /

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The Man in 2/21/11 video could be….

February 8, 2011 9 comments

It’s been the talk of the wrestling world for the last seven days.  Raise your internet searching hands if you’ve googled to find out who this mysterious man is.  I know some of you have found because you’re looking to find out who the man in the 2/21/11 vignette is.  It’s been twittered, it’s been facebooked.  I even got one referral from Myspace.  Dude, get off Myspace.   I wrote about 2/21/11 in two parts already.  Part 1 and Part 2.

The ongoing saga that has become the 2/21/11 vignettes was continued last night on Monday Night Raw.

So, who is it?  It it Undertaker?  Is it Sting?  Or could it be…. a third option?

Cape…  Boots…   Could it possibly be….

The fun that’s going on with the 2/21/11 vignettes is exactly what WWE needs right now.  It’s fueling the car as it drives down the road to Wrestlemania.  Enjoy the ride everyone.  Isn’t that what good storytelling is about?

Don’t agree with me?  Well, talk to this guy…

Or This guy….

Or This guy …


Yep…the man in the 2/21/11 could be… BATMAN!


Hopefully this made you laugh.

David Lagana /

If you liked this article please support the site by patronizing our sponsors, subscribing above and sharing stories with the buttons below.  You can reach me on our Twitter, Facebook pages or you can email me . And don’t forget to voice your opinion on Twitter whenever you’re discussing what you want out of wrestling. #IWantWrestling

Sting on Why He Didn’t Go to WWE in 2002

February 7, 2011 7 comments

We’ve all seen the 2/22/11 video by now.  Frame by frame searching for clues; does the smoke spell Sting? I believe we’ll see another video this week that will provide more clues and questions but my gut tells me we won’t get answers until that Monday on Raw.  There have been reports that WWE hasn’t even talked to Sting.  Could those videos be simply for the return of Undertaker?  The next two weeks will be full of that speculation.   But why didn’t Sting come to WWE before now?

As talked about in my article last week, Sting was first approached to wrestle Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 18 in 2002.  WWE wanted Sting to work the full time schedule.  Sting has stood firm on the life he wanted and didn’t come for that reason.  But there also was another reason that he spoke of in the video below.

WWE became the number one brand brand in wrestling in 2001 when they bought WCW and ECW.  In their hand was years of storylines and potentially millions of dollars in brand vs. brand programming.  The alliance (WCW & ECW) vs. WWE storyline lasted from June 2001 – November 2001.    Sting spoke on how WCW talent was used in WWE  especially the Booker T/Rock confrontation why he decided to not go to WWE.  Below we have that clip and a few others on how WCW talent was used in WWE.


Rock/Booker T – “Who are you?”

Scroll to 6:30 for the line.


Goldberg / Goldust – “The Gold Wig”



Eric Bischoff / Mae Young – “The Bronco Buster”


David Lagana /

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