
Posts Tagged ‘TNA’

TNA’s Generation Me on Colt Cabana’s Art of Wrestling

March 10, 2011 1 comment

You can listen to this and all of Colt Cabana’s Art of Wrestling Podcast here.   Subscribe to the podcast on ITunes here.

This coming Monday, I’ll have a special one-on-one interview with Colt about the new DVD that he’s releasing Wrestling Road Diaries.  I watched this movie and it’s really an amazing look inside the wrestling world.  I’ll have a full write up after the interview.   Here is a video preview of that DVD that can be purchased here.

David Lagana /

Don’t forget you can talk wrestling with me –

You can find every episode of our podcasts here.

Subscribe to us iTunes here.

If you’re using another service, you can find the Podcast RSS here.

Fill out this survey to help the podcast grow – here

If you liked this article please support the site by clicking our sponsors, subscribing above and sharing stories with the buttons below.  You can reach me on our Twitter, Facebook pages or you can email me . And don’t forget to voice your opinion on Twitter whenever you’re discussing what you want out of wrestling. #IWantWrestling

Your #15Minutes are here!!! Vote Now!

The only place to watch the full show is above.  Winner gets their version released on podcast.  You help decide.



The clock is set and then we talk wrestling for fifteen minutes.  I’m looking for the most passionate wrestling fans to talk wrestling with me.  If you’ve got a great unique story or perspective, I want to talk wrestling with you…. WITH A TWIST.

I am picking three passionate wrestling fans to talk wrestling for fifteen minutes.   Only one fifteen minute section will be released on the podcast.  That’s where everyone comes in.  Your vote picks the weekly winner.

The winner also gets the option of coming back and competing again.

How can you be chosen to be on the show?   To be considered, you need to LIKE I Want Wrestling on Facebook.  Then write ONE wall post explaining what makes you unique as a wrestling fan.  I’ll be picking the best and most unique fans out there.  If you want to use picture or video, please be as creative as possible with your ONE posting.  The I Want Wrestling Facebook page is your place to talk wrestling with me.  So go over, LIKE the page and let me know why the wrestling universe should invest fifteen minutes in you.

How can you be chosen to be on the show?   To be considered, you need to LIKE I Want Wrestling on Facebook.  Then write ONE wall post explaining what makes you unique as a wrestling fan.  I’ll be picking the best and most unique fans out there.  If you want to use picture or video, please be as creative as possible with your ONE posting.  The I Want Wrestling Facebook page is your place to talk wrestling with me.  So go over, LIKE the page and let me know why the wrestling universe should invest fifteen minutes in you.


Episode #2

Meet the three passionate fans who joined me for fifteen minutes.  Josh, Jay and Rodney each brought a different perspective and are must listens.  Watch now!  Share this link –

You can find out more about them below.

Josh – /

Jay – /

Rodney – /


Vote Now

Voting closes on Friday at Noon Eastern here or at

Don’t forget to LIKE I Want Wrestling on Facebook to be considered to be on the show.  Make your ONE posting now and show the world why you need to be heard for fifteen minutes.

David Lagana /

You can find every episode of our podcasts here.

Subscribe to us iTunes here.

If you’re using another service, you can find the Podcast RSS here.

Fill out this survey to help the podcast grow – here

If you liked this article please support the site by clicking our sponsors, subscribing above and sharing stories with the buttons below.  You can reach me on our Twitter, Facebook pages or you can email me . And don’t forget to voice your opinion on Twitter whenever you’re discussing what you want out of wrestling. #IWantWrestling

Thank you to everyone for making our podcasts so successful so quickly.  Catch up on them here and subscribe on iTunes.   Now it’s your turn to get in the conversation.

You want your #15Minutes? New Show for Everyone!

In just three weeks, everyone has helped make our I Want Wrestling podcasts (Formerly Creative and Press the Press) a big success.   If you’re looking to catch up, please feel free to subscribe on iTunes or get caught up here.

Launching this week is #15Minutes.  The clock is set and then we talk wrestling for fifteen minutes.  I’m looking for the most passionate wrestling fans to talk wrestling with me.  If you’ve got a great unique story or perspective, I want to talk wrestling with you.

Want your #15Minutes?

How can you be chosen to be on the show?   To be considered, you need to LIKE I Want Wrestling on Facebook.  Then write ONE wall post explaining what makes you unique as a wrestling fan.  I’ll be picking the best and most unique fans out there.  If you want to use picture or video, please be as creative as possible with your ONE posting.  The I Want Wrestling Facebook page is your place to talk wrestling with me.  So go over, LIKE the page and let me know why the wrestling universe should invest fifteen minutes in you.

The first guest is Cody Decker who is currently a prospect in the San Diego Padres farm system.  Cody was a huge wrestling fan in the 90’s and is now getting back into the sport after the return of the Rock.  Before Cody took off for Spring Training, he was the first one to go #15Minutes with me.  Hear the show below.


#15Minutes w/Cody Decker

Download MP3

Don’t forget to LIKE I Want Wrestling on Facebook to be considered to be on the show.  Make your ONE posting now and show the world why you need to be heard for fifteen minutes.

David Lagana /

You can find every episode of our podcasts here.

Subscribe to us iTunes here.

If you’re using another service, you can find the Podcast RSS here.

Fill out this survey to help the podcast grow – here

If you liked this article please support the site by clicking our sponsors, subscribing above and sharing stories with the buttons below.  You can reach me on our Twitter, Facebook pages or you can email me . And don’t forget to voice your opinion on Twitter whenever you’re discussing what you want out of wrestling. #IWantWrestling

Who was that Trench Coated Man? Wrestlemania 27 Buzz!

February 3, 2011 54 comments

Who was in the trench coat entering the cabin?  Who will show up on Monday Night Raw on 2/21/11?  Three shots and a date have created talk and chatter the likes of which every marketing executive dreams of.

Positioned in “commercial time”, this video caught everyone by surprise; asking more questions then it answered.   Immediately on Twitter, discussion blew up over the vignette.  I applaud WWE because in one minute they created buzz and intrigue in this crucial Wrestlemania season.

Wrestlemania hasn’t had this much discussion since October when rumors surfaced of a potential big name potentially returning to WWE.  This news didn’t break in the body of WWE programming or even on their own website.  It was during the aftermath of the October UFC event in Las Vegas. Ariel Helwani of AOL Fanhouse was doing a post show interview with a huge MMA fan and WWE Legend The Undertaker.

The idea of Lesnar vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27 got fans buzzing.  Ariel didn’t know that Brock was going to walk by Undertaker or there would be a confrontation.  It was spontaneous, it was real and it captured the attention of wrestling and MMA fans.   This is the kind of intrigue wrestling fans have been craving.   UFC president Dana White, protecting his investment in Brock, shot down this rumored match; not wanting Lesnar to wrestle for UFC’s biggest monthly PPV competitor.

Due to injury, Undertaker was written off WWE TV losing a Buried Alive match after being laid out by Wade Barrett.  This set in motion the idea of Undertaker returning to get revenge against the brash newcomer in the future, possibly Wrestlemania.  But the question is, does it “feel like Wrestlemania?”

Then the 2/21/11 video aired.  The Save-Mart center in Fresno, which is hosting the 2/21/11 Raw lists on it’s website that show being the “Return of the Undertaker”.  Does this video signal the return of the Undertaker to WWE?  Or is it building up someone else.  Could this possible lead to the WWE debut of Sting?

Currently a free agent, Sting has never appeared in WWE.  He is the one guy who never made the jump having spent the majority of his career with WCW.  In recent years, he’s wrestled for Dixie Carter’s TNA Wrestling on Spike TV.   With the appearance of Booker T and Kevin Nash (as Diesel) at the 2011 Royal Rumble, speculation the next night after this video aired that it was for Sting.

Wrestlemania 27 is in Atlanta, GA; the former home of Ted Turner’s WCW.  Could Sting be another name to go along with Shawn Michaels into the Hall of Fame?  Is there money in Sting wrestling at Wrestlemania for the very first time?  Is Sting vs. Undertaker the kind of attraction that will excite fans just like the idea of Lesnar vs. Undertaker?    Think fans are jazzed by the idea?  Look at this poster a fan made to pump up this potential dream match.

Sting at Wrestlemania almost happened nine years ago.   Wrestlemania 18 will always be remembered for the memorable Hogan vs. Rock battle in Toronto.  That event also featured Triple H winning the undisputed World Title from Chris Jericho and Steve Austin facing NWO Scott Hall (w/Kevin Nash).  Sting was approached that year to make his WWE debut and wrestle on the big event.  Once he was introduced to the brand, it was pitched that at Wrestlemania 18 Sting would face Kurt Angle.  If you remember, Kurt was eventually thrown into a match with Kane with little setup.  The deal apparently fell apart as Sting wasn’t willing to work the full WWE schedule.  Now nine years later, we might finally get to see Sting in WWE.

I’m the biggest proponent of pushing new talent in high profile positions.  I see Wade Barrett as one of the shining stars of WWE in 2010.  The table is set very nicely for new talents to be featured in main events of Wrestlemania this year with Alberto Del Rio and Miz.  But what is lacking that “big fight dream match” to attracts casual fans.  Last year we had Vince McMahon vs. Bret Hart and Undertaker vs. HBK “Streak vs. Career”; previous years featured Floyd Mayweather vs. Big Show, and Trump vs. McMahon.   Based on the buzz off this simple 45-second video, the fans are voicing their opinion on what they want out of Wrestlemania 27.  I don’t have any answers but we will all find out on 2/21/11.  Ask yourself – is Sting vs. Undertaker the dream match you want for this year’s Wrestlemania?

David Lagana /

If you liked this article or any others here please support the site by subscribing above and sharing stories with the buttons below.  You can reach me on our Twitter, Facebook pages or you can email me . And don’t forget to voice your opinion on Twitter whenever you’re discussing what you want out of wrestling. #IWantWrestling

What’s The Story?

January 14, 2011 8 comments

In a recent appearance with Bryan Alvarez, Lance Storm talked about having recently seen the movie The Expendables.  You can hear Lance’s thoughts here.  Lance, in discussing the writing of the movie, questioned why we liked the good guys, how the bad guys lacked credibility and the plot holes in the story.   Lance mentioned that people said to him, “It’s just an action movie” and to not take it so seriously; some even equating that same theory to wrestling.   Lance proudly has boycotted TNA Wrestling for this same “lack of logic” storytelling.

Quality writing is quality storytelling; and that does translate to professional wrestling.  This won’t be a entry about what is wrong and why with wrestling.  Instead, with the Hollywood Award Season kicking off on Sunday with the Golden Globes, I wanted to offer a weekend read if you’ve ever wanted to write.  I’m a big believer that we are all storytellers.  Some of us are the heroes, some of us are the villains; but every character believes he’s justified in his actions.  If this peaks your interest, I recommend the following book.  SAVE THE CAT!

I know there are a ton of screenwriting books on the market but this is the easiest to pick up and read.  You’ll appreciate movies on a higher level after reading this book and maybe even wrestling.   And if you’re wondering about the title,  in every movie the hero must do something early to show the audience he’s a good guy; saving a cat from a burning building.   When you watch a wrestling match, think about what the good guy does to make you root for him.  I gave this book as a Christmas Gift to a talent  so he could see the correlation between movie and wrestling storytelling .    Though, I don’t expect to see him utilizing a cat in his matches, I do expect to see him main event Wrestlemania one day.

Demand good storytelling from all forms of entertainment you consume. Movies, TV, Wrestling, and even all things internet based.  If it’s good, it will move you.  And that’s why I started this site.  Because I want us all demand better and say #IWantWrestling