
Posts Tagged ‘Wrestlemania Guest host’

If Rock (@TheRock) Says He Wants to Wrestle… #WhatWouldYouDo

March 28, 2011 8 comments

Picture yourself sitting with Vince McMahon on a show day.  But it’s not just any show day.  It’s the Monday of the final show before Wrestlemania.  The Rock has made his triumphant return to WWE TV nearly a month ago and sent shock waves through the business.   Attendance is back up, the ratings went up and this coming Sunday could be a major turning point in the wrestling (sorry, sports entertainment… bad writer…bad bad).


As you sit there going over the Monday Night Raw show, in strolls into the meeting…  Dwayne The Rock Johnson.  And imagine if he he dropped this bombshell.

“I want to wrestle… Sunday!”


What would you do? #WhatWouldYouDo?

1. Would you push all the chips in, hoping to hit it big at this Wrestlemania with less then a week?

2. Would you wait to run the match a later – perhaps Summerslam?

3. Would you be patient and wait till Wrestlemania 28?

Share your vote and twitter #WhatWouldYouDo with @theRock.

David Lagana /

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