
Posts Tagged ‘Zack Ryder Sign Confiscated’

Zack Pack has spoken – New @ZackRyder Video – #IWantZackRyder

April 21, 2011 3 comments

It’s amazing that one sign and one tweet sparked such an uproar.  My feeling is this has really struck a cord with the WWE fan base who wants to see “new” characters on the show.  Zack Ryder has been on WWE for nearly years now and the audience has rediscovered him with his YouTube show – which is drawing nearly ten times the numbers of WWE Superstars.  If you want to support Zack – tweet #IWantZackRyder.  I am pretty sure WWE can’t take your tweets away, can they?

This episode features more creative work from Zack including suggestions of other signs you can bring to WWE live events.  Share this story and video with everyone who wants to see something new break through.

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David Lagana (@Lagana)

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“Zack Ryder = Ratings” Sign Confiscated #IWantZackRyder

April 19, 2011 16 comments

Zack Ryder (@zackryder) has quickly become an “internet sensation”.  His new YouTube show has been a must see every week.   Here is last week’s episode.

This episode already has nearly 90,000 views on YouTube.

With limited TV time, Zack’s built a following through the “dreaded” internet.  Fans have been hoping that Zack would be drafted to Smackdown in the hopes of more tv time; read my draft article here.  The internet has always been a dirty word in WWE.  Look at how Daniel Bryan (fka – Bryan Danielson) and Kaval (aka Low-Ki) were talked about as “internet darlings” by WWE during NXT.  And now Zack Ryder is building his following by the weekly webshow and being interactive with his fans on his twitter account.

Last night, early in RAW – a sign was held up.  Zack Ryder = Ratings.  A fan was “standing up” and voicing his opinion.  That sign disappeared.  O2 Arena officials were told to take the sign along with another pro-Ryder sign.  This isn’t a new practice by WWE.  In fact, it’s been going on forever and at times some signs need to be taken.  But this is 2011, we live in a world of social media.  The idea is to “Listen to your audience.”

Matthew Johnson (@mattjohnson333) brought the sign to speak out for a wrestler he likes and supports.  Here is his tweet about what happened after it was seen on TV.

One sign = one person’s voice.  But again, it’s 2011 and we live in a time of social media.  Look at the chatter this sign and now this controversy has created on twitter.  Read here for the tweets talking about it.  Sure this can be discredited by those in power as “the internet”.

Yes Twitter is a small sample of the audience.  So is Nielsen ratings and those are studied like the Zapruder film.  Is this a big story?  Nope.  But it’s a big story to fans of Zack Ryder.  Your voice doesn’t matter to some.  Should Zack Ryder fans pack up and give home?  Or should they simply speak louder and say #IWantZackRyder?

David Lagana (@Lagana)

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