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New Podcast – Mike Quackenbush – Founder of Chikara

On the heels of one of the biggest weekends of the year for Chikara – King of Trios. I had a great conversation with Mike Quackenbush.  We talk about the origins of the Chikara product, tv shows we grew up with, position of the company in the market place and so much more.  If you’ve never checked out their product or are a fan, there is something in this podcast for everyone.  Hear the entire podcast here.

King of Trios is this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Philadelphia.  Get ticket and event info here.

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Promote This – Ep 4 – Mike Quackenbush –  Chikara

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David Lagana (@Lagana)



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  1. April 12, 2011 at 9:05 am

    RE: The Grumpy ROH Guy

    I was listening to your podcast and heard you mention the grumpy ROH guy. I had an interesting run-in with that guy. I had gotten tickets to one of the ROH shows in Dover, NJ. They were doing matches around filming “The Wrestler”. I ended up sitting in this strange section. Behind me was a gaggle of children brought in for the filming. On one side of me were two extras. On the other side of me were two Darren Aaronfsky fans who couldn’t give a damn about ROH. And in front of me was Grumpy. This was one of the weirdest experience of my life. I can vividly remember Claudia Castagnoli setting up of the Ricola Bomb. This would usually be when the crowd chants “Ricola!”. The silence in my section was overwhelming.

    Later that year, I would go to another ROH show in Edison. I got there early and who do I see there? Grumpy! I was confused because he seemed absolutely miserable at the Dover show. I couldn’t resist coming up to him and asking him what his deal was. He told me he loved the Dover show and was a big ROH fan. He even smiled and laughed as he spoke. But then went back to looking like Grumpy for the rest of the show.

  2. Cabrão
    April 12, 2011 at 9:18 am

    Mr. Quackenbush has a GREAT radio/advertising/promo voice. It’s amazing. He’s very eloquent and intelligent, and clearly a very smart businessman. Adding to that, awesome in the ring; unbelievable credible and mind-blowing.

    About CHIKARA: oh man, that thing is awesome. It’s cool, it’s funny, it’s fresh and pays tribute to nice wrestling. It’s everything we can get to relax and be super entertained without, as MQ said, being “insulted” by what we’re seeing.

    THANK YOU, Mr. Lagana, for this one. You are changing the world and making it a better place. I appreciate all of your dedication and passion about this great industry. You talked to the three owners/promoters/bosses, whatever, of the three companies I love and religiously follow, and that is fantastic.

  1. April 15, 2011 at 8:10 am

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